Dr Rozina Ali is available to address your specific concerns. Whether it’s refining contours, addressing excess fat or excess skin, or returning lost volume, Dr Ali can help you retain or achieve a more sculpted physique and the quality-of-life benefits that this can bring.
What is it? Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, tightens underlying facia to restore weakened or separated muscles and reposition the belly button (umbilicus). By creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer, core strength is improved.
Who would benefit from it? Individuals who have excess abdominal fat and skin that does not respond well to diet and exercise, for example following significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies.
How will Dr Rozina Ali perform the procedure? A full tummy tuck requires a wide hip to hip incision in a natural crease at or above the pubic hairline. Once the anterior abdominal wall is lifted, the underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired. A second incision around the navel may be necessary to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. The remaining tissue is redraped downward, excess skin and fat is removed (and weighed) and the remaining defect sutured in multiple layers over 1-2 drains. A new opening for the belly button is created and the belly button is popped through to the surface and sutured into position.
Reverse Abdominoplasty
What can I expect from my recovery? Following your surgery, dressings are applied over the incisions, an abdominal binder or compression garment worn to minimise swelling and support your abdomen as it heals. Drains are the small, thin tubes temporarily placed under the tissues to drain any excess blood or fluid that collect.
What is it? Also known as an upper abdominal lift, a reverse abdominoplasty is a rarely required procedure to smoothen and tighten the upper abdomen by addressing excess skin and tissue located under the ribcage.
Who would benefit from it? Massive weight loss patients or individuals concerned by sagging or excess skin above the navel and/ or who wish to flatten and tighten the upper abdominal area.
How will Dr Rozina Ali perform the procedure? Incisions are made across the upper abdomen, excess tissue and skin is removed and the remaining skin is sutured to deliver a firmer and smoother appearance.
What can I expect from my recovery? Moderate bruising and swelling and discomfort that can be managed with rest and moderate painkillers. To support the abdomen a compression garment is recommended. You can expect to return to light activities, including work, within two weeks, but strenuous activities should be limited for several weeks.
What is it? Liposuction It is firmly not a weight loss method, instead it is used to slim and reshape specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits to improve body contours and proportion.
Who would benefit from it? Individuals in overall good health, with firm, elastic skin, and good muscle tone, bothered by excess fat deposits anywhere on the body that don’t respond to diet or exercise (back, inner thigh, flanks, abdomen).
How will Dr Rozina Ali perform the procedure? Liposuction is performed through small, 4-5mm incisions. A cannula (blunt hollow tube with holes) is inserted through the incisions and tumescent fluids and power assisted movement or other technologies (laser, ultrasound) are used to loosen excess fat, which is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum.
What can I expect from my recovery? Once your procedure is completed, a compression garment or elastic bandages are used over treated areas. These help to control swelling and compress the skin to your new body contours.
What is it? Fat transfer also known as fat grafting, autologous fat transfer, lipofilling or lipo-injection involves transferring individual live cells (adipocytes and stem cells) to enhance the quality of tissues elsewhere on the body. Fat is removed from areas of excess body fat (abdomen, flanks, thighs, back etc) and transplanted to areas that would benefit from rejuvenation, regeneration, or volume enhancement such as breast, face, and scars.
Who would benefit from it? Individuals who wish for a subtle, natural-looking enhancement, or desire volume or contour improvement in areas such as breasts, hands, buttocks, or face, and who have sufficient donor fat available for harvesting.
How will Dr Rozina Ali perform the procedure? Fat transfer is a multi-stepped serial process: Firstly, fat needs to be carefully harvested in a process that is superficially like liposuction but designed to ensure that the fat cells harvested are alive, unbroken, and accompanied by the rich supply of stem cells found clustered near the subcutaneous blood vessels. A gentle tumescent fluid is used to infiltrate the fatty tissue and a blunt ended mechanical or power assisted (vibrating) liposuction device is used to dislodge the fat and float out intact living fat cells using lower suction pressures. In this way a rich supply of fat and stem cells are harvested, healthy, intact, and viable. The harvested fat is then prepared by being washed, filtered, and purified for careful re-injection into the recipient areas.
What can I expect from my recovery? Mild swelling, bruising and temporary numbness at the recipient and donor areas. Compression garments or bandages can minimise swelling and support the treated areas. Strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks to allow the transferred fat cells to establish blood supply and survive.
What is it? Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to repair, reduce the size, or to reshape, the inner vaginal lips (labia minora) to address injury, discomfort or self-consciousness following hormonal changes, or for aesthetic reasons.
Who would benefit from it? Women with irritation/ hygiene concerns/ physical discomfort because of large labia minora or labia majora, or asymmetrical labia minora causing embarrassment or affecting self-confidence.
How will Dr Rozina Ali perform the procedure? Labiaplasty can be performed using either general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia as a day case procedure. The labia are shortened or reshaped by removing excess tissue and the remaining edges carefully opposed and sutured together with fine, dissolvable stitches. The procedure usually takes around 1 hour to complete and, in most cases, patients can go home on the same day, following a brief observation period.
What can I expect from my recovery? Mild-moderate bruising, swelling and discomfort can be expected for several days. Light activities, including returning to work, can be resumed within a few days to a week. Full recovery and results, however, may take 6+ weeks.